Here's a bitch that is screaming to have her teeth knocked out. The quirky, oh-so-sweet, girl next-door. She also thinks she's a LOT hotter than she actually is. She may have been cute 15 years ago, but I stopped buying her sob story shortly after that. Every friggin' project this girl does she WHINES!!! And then she tried to make "sexy face", which no-one can take seriously because you're the "quirky, sweet, girl next-door". Hey, don't complain - you type-cast yourself into that one. And now, to top it off, she's whispering to ghosts. Leave that to Patricia Arquette sweetie - she's much better at it. If I die & need to use a medium to communicate something, you bet your ass it's not going to be you! And can you choose a weight please??!! Back & forth between rail thin & heffer - Check please to this party of 5 punches in your face.